Thursday, December 13, 2007

Inaugural Post

Welcome to Drinking Coffeecola!

This may be the first time we're meeting or you may know me from my work at GameCritics.Com, but my name is Brad Gallaway and this blog is intended to be an independent effort chronicling things on a smaller, more personal scale.

About me: I'm a thirtysomething living in Seattle, Wa. Been playing videogames for 20-plus years, writing about them for eight, or so. I'm also a book nut, and along those lines i've just completed my first full-length novel. It's a fantasy/horror/comedy mash-up currently in revisions titled "Speaking In Forked Tongues." I hope to shop it around soon, and who knows... it may even be in print someday.

I'm also proud to say that i'm ecstatically married to a lady who's as nuts about games, food, and coffee as I am, and I've got a wonderful little boy (age 6) who visits me three or four times a year. (Don't get me started on the state of men's rights in custody situations these days...)

That's it from me for now, but check back for updates. In the meantime you can say hey and post comments about games, books, writing, or anything else, OR check out blogs from some of my friends if you're the lurker type under the Selected Reading links at left.

Thanks for reading.

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