Monday, January 28, 2008

Looks Like Banana, Tastes Like Potato

Just a quick shout-out tonight to a local restaurant that the wife and I think is pretty groovy. It’s a small Puerto Rican place called La Isla, tucked away back on the west side of Market Street.

There aren’t a lot of tables and a chilly breeze blows in whenever someone opens the door, but it smells great and the food hasn’t disappointed us yet.

Tonight we tried the garlic shrimp that came accompanied by rice and beans, a slice of avocado, and some crazy tasty garlic dipping sauce. On the side of the plate were a few slices of fried plantain. They look like bananas but taste like potatoes, crispy on the outside and very starchy and firm underneath the crust. Good stuff.

We also ordered some small empanadas, one stuffed with pork and the other stuffed with chicken. They could have used a little more seasoning, but the meat was very lean and the shells were just right.

The waitress didn’t blink when I ordered a virgin Mojito, and the kitchen graciously splits orders onto two separate plates and garnishes both equally, instead of simply giving you an extra plate and letting you dish it out yourself. It may be a small touch, but one that I really appreciate.

This little place seems to always be doing good business whenever we go there, and with good reason.

Check it out if you’re in the neighborhood.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great and their website has a nice menu on it. Definitely going to check this one out.
