Monday, May 12, 2008

Harold & Kumar & Katy

Just a quickie update tonight… I swore to myself that I would get a few more words down on the page for Behind Infernal Eyes, so I’ll make this fast.

Random: So in the last post about the Comicon, I had a picture of one of the artists wearing a crazy-looking piece of headgear. I snapped the pic on my way out the door just a few minutes before I left the ‘Con, but that person actually left a comment and after a quick Google search I was wishing that I had stopped by her table. Her name is Katy Hargrove, and her blog can be found here.

She’s got some crazy art skills and tons of pictures of her work in addition to a small online store with some of her goods. Stop by her blog and check it out… her pics of octopi are the most adorable things evAr.

Games: Finally finished The Answer from Persona 3: FES. Between this bonus quest and my time spent on the original game (now referred to as The Journey), I clocked a chunk of time coming pretty close to 100 hours. For me, that’s a pretty insane time commitment and something I never would have predicted before starting P3, but I have to say that it was a pretty outstanding RPG and well worth the effort. I plan on shipping in a Second Opinion at GameCritics so look for it soon. In the meantime, if you are even remotely a fan of RPGs, I would absolutely consider Persona 3 a must-play. If you haven’t got your copy yet, what the hell are you waiting for?!?

Movies: The wife and I went to see Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay tonight. I was a huge fan of the first film, and although this one wasn’t quite as airtight as the original, it still had plenty of genuine laughs and bizarre content. Although it’s sort of positioned as a ‘stoner’ comedy, being a marijuana aficionado is absolutely not a requirement to enjoy the film… just don’t be easily offended. There were a number of things in there that would definitely blow conservative minds, and Rob Corddry’s government agent character in particular was absolutely off the hook and over-the-top. Two words: Grape soda. See the movie, and you’ll know what I mean. Recommended!

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