Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Shiren Needs A Rescue

Games: So I've been playing Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer on DS lately, and I love it... it's fantastic stuff. A brutal Roguelike game, the player gets sent back to level 1 and loses all their equipment if death comes in a dungeon, which it does... and often.

Although this sort of thing would usually drive me nuts, Shiren does it so well that it hardly feels like punishment most times. I'll get more into it later, but one pretty cool feature of the game is that if you *do* happen to get cacked on your adventure, you can send out a rescue request to anyone else playing the game. Via a password or through Nintendo's Wifi system, another person can find your dead body and bring it back to life, salvaging your progress and giving you a second chance. Awesome idea, and... I need to use it.

Right now Shiren's lifeless corpse is laying on floor 28 (out of 30 for the first major dungeon, Table Rock) and I've got a pretty good chance of finishing the game, in my opinion... I just ran into some bad luck and got overwhelmed.

Replace SpongeBob with Shiren, and you get the picture.

I'd really like to salvage this attempt and finish since I'm so close, so if ANYBODY out there is playing Shiren right now and wouldn't mind rescuing me, drop me a line and I'll give you my Wifi code.


Food: These are awesome.

I could eat the entire can in one sitting... seriously.

Go try 'em.

1 comment:

  1. Your rescue has been posted!

    I really didn't think I was going to make it on my first run, so I spent about an hour beforehand getting some supplies together and grinding out a sword/shield (as well as re-familiarizing myself with the game). Afterwords I set out on a mostly naked run (food and 2 jars full) and to my delight, I was making some real progress on my way up to your corpse. It was a lotta fun and I had many close calls where I thought for sure i'd have to start over, but in the end I soldiered thru and sent the revival spell. I also sent along a small pot of goodies that should be helpful when you reach the boss (Hint: the meat makes the battle a whole lot easier).
