Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cabdriver Blues

Misc: As the wife and I were going out this afternoon, I spotted a little piece of paper stuck under my windshield wiper. At first I thought it was a parking ticket (which would have been unusual, since I was legally parked) but it was a note which read:
it is my mistake, call me
Cue the freakout.
Checking out the front of my car, I didn't see anything. The driver’s side was clean too… I worked my way over to the passenger side, and there it was-- a huge impact dent crashing the rear bumper, cracking and popping the taillight out of place, and crimping the fender down almost to the point of cutting into the rubber on the tire.
As I was taking pictures of the damage, a guy came running up to me from across the street and asked if this was my car.
(Like someone would generally go around taking pictures of other people's damage…)
Anyway, he said that he had taken a taxi home from downtown, and that the taxi smashed into my car as he was turning around to head back for another fare. Since the note had almost no information, I asked this guy what the name of the cab company was, which he gladly provided. I thanked him for coming out to let me know, and I'm actually really glad that he did because without the name of the cab company, I would have been a little bit screwed. Why?
Because when I called the guy who left me the note, he was trying to convince me that he had given a stranger a ride in his own private car, and that he did not work for a taxi company. I told him straight up that his fare witnessed the accident and had given me the name of the company, but he denied it over and over and kept telling me to “not call anyone” and “not tell anyone”.
I don't mean to stereotype or anything, but the guy was obviously not from this country and I'm not sure whether he was afraid of losing his job or getting deported or something (or both), but he was swearing up and down that he was an honest guy and that he would take care of it.
replace "friends" with "cabdriver" and there you go
A few minutes later, I got a call from the manager of the cab company and he was asking whether or not the driver had made some arrangements with me. I told him that I would give the guy chance to make it right, but that if there was any kind of problem that I had no issue with turning the whole thing over to the cab company’s insurance and collecting a check for the damage.
At this point, it's the day before Thanksgiving and there's no way I'm going to be able to get any kind of estimate until at least next week, but I'm really hoping that the driver of the cab will do the right thing and just take care of it once I get an idea of how much it's going to cost to fix. I don't mean the guy any ill will and I certainly don't want to get him fired or have been sent out of the country, but if the damage costs $1500, I'm not going to be able to take $20 a week and a handshake.

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