Saturday, November 29, 2008

Joel McHale @ The Moore

Misc: The wife and I just got back from seeing Joel McHale at the Moore Theatre in downtown Seattle. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Joel, he rose to prominence thanks to E’s The Soup, a reincarnation of the original Talk Soup hosted by Greg Kinnear, back before he left to go do a string of mediocre Hollywood B-movies. Anyway, The Soup collects a slew of ridiculous clips from reality TV every week and Joel skewers them with incredibly clever one-liners and jokes that are so venomous, a cobra couldn't compete.

We were both a little curious as to what kind of show this would be since we've only seen him as a host, but it was a regular stand-up style comedy performance. Although it wasn't quite as gut-busting as it is for thirty minutes on Fridays with a Teleprompter, it was still pretty respectable and kind of a treat since I was not aware that Joel is actually a local… well, as much a local as someone can be when they're from Mercer Island. I always appreciate when performers can name-drop a few things that are in the area, and since he's actually from here, quite a bit of the show was very Seattle-specific. During the performance, McHale also mentioned that fan favorite Mankini is from around these parts, too. Who knew?

It was an entertaining two hours and the seats in the first balcony were pretty damned respectable. He's playing one more night (tomorrow, 11/30) so if you're in the neighborhood and don't have anything to do, there you go.

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