Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Not much to say tonight, though I will admit that I'm looking forward to the holidays being over.
Being a freelancer, assignments take a huge nosedive over the Chistmas/New Year stretch, and inevtiably some place I need to go to is either closed or on reduced hours due to half the employees being off. (Needing a plunger in a hurry on Christmas eve was this year's perfect example.)
Grinchiness aside, '08 was an okay year for me and the family... not the worst, but it could have been better. Though we didn't lose a ton on stocks (like we even own any) and we didn't get caught up in the housing mess, I think its safe to say that we're really hopeful that '09 will be a much better year... If nothing else, there's just no way Obama will begin to approach the embarrassing state of affairs that we've had for the last eight years. That's definitely something.
Anyway, Happy New Year to everybody and here's looking forward to a brand-new start.
See you in January.