Friday, December 26, 2008

Let's Go, Voltron Force!!!

Misc: I still haven't been able to get back into anything even remotely resembling my daily routine, and productivity is suffering as a result. In the meantime, I'd like to share with you these two words:

Voltron rocks.
Any male readers who grew up in the 80’s like I did already know what I'm talking about, but for those of you who don't fit that description:
Voltron was an incredibly popular cartoon (Japanese import, of course) that told the story of a group of five young adults who each piloted giant robotic lions. When their home planet was under attack by whatever slavering monster was next up in the queue, these lions could combine to form the giant heroic robot, Voltron.

The reason I bring up this relic from decades past is that a few months ago, I saw a reissue of the same toy that I would have gladly traded my little brother for. Although there were a few changes (made of plastic instead of die-cast metal, all of the missile-launching and weapon apparatus had been excised) it was for all intents and purposes, the same thing. A little voice inside my head told me that there was something so undeniably cool… so intrinsically awesome about Voltron, that the same aura of OMG would transfer to my seven-year-old son even though he's never seen a single episode and had absolutely no clue what a Voltron even was..

I held onto the toy and finally rolled the dice as I placed it under the tree on the twenty-fifth. I would have been perfectly okay if he didn't think it was anything special, but I just had this feeling.

After the paper was shredded and the box opened, I am quite proud to announce that Voltron was an instant smash, and became my son’s favorite present of the year. Seeing that sparkle in his eyes as he was taking in this noble metal monster was absolutely priceless. Easily, one of the high points of being a father. Now, all I have to do is teach him to recite the proper Voltron combining mantra, and then we’ll be all set…

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