Sunday, December 21, 2008

An Overdue, Snow-Covered Update

Seattle's been hit with an extremely unusual (and heavy) snowstorm, and life over the last few days has been a wee bit crazy. 
Shopping for groceries was more like spending time in a disaster-relief shelter with long lines and disheveled, haggard people who look like they just survived something FEMA would ignore. 
Shops and services have been haphazardly open, and there are a ton of morons on the road who don't seem to realize that four-wheel drive doesn't mean your vehicle is immune to running into ditches. Or sidewalks. Or telephone poles. Or off bridges.
Unpleasantries of living in a city ill-equipped to deal with the weather aside, my son arrived last night for his Christmas visit, and the wife and I were thrilled to be able to share a good whiteout with him... it's his first time seeing and being in snow that's thick enough to cover the ground. Snowballs ensued.
Updates will resume their normal frequency once I dry up and warm off.

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