Monday, January 5, 2009


Games: Been a long day today, but I intend to get to Penny Arcade: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Part 2 as well as Crash Commando (both DL games) before I turn in tonight.
Impressions to come, but if any of you have some, lemme have 'em.
Just got done giving both a whirl. Crash Commando didn't do much for me. The controls felt squirrelly (especially aiming. What up with no sensitivity slider?) and it's totally multiplayer focused. I could see how it might be fun for a little while, but I wasn't impressed and won't be coming back to it.
Didn't get very far into Rain-Slick 2, but it's improved over #1 appreciably. The "block" prompt during combat helps a ton, and the level design from the bit I saw felt cleaner and more focused. I just scratched its surface, but I've got a good feeling.

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