Thursday, February 19, 2009

The PNWA monthly meet, and screwing with GameFly

Writing: Just got back from the PNWA monthly meet (Pacific Northwest Writers Association) over in Bellevue, so sort of a late night this week. Late in comparison to the previous three days, anyway.
As soon as I arrived, one of the board members waved me over since they knew I do SF, and wanted to introduce me to a newcomer. This person was nice enough, but one of the first things they asked was whether I could recommend an editor or agent to handle their book. Look, I realize that's what every writer wants and that it's what we're all looking for, but when you just meet someone, it's sort of inappropriate to ask for an "in" when you don't know the first thing about them. I smiled and mentioned that probably everybody else in the room was after the exact same thing before we went our separate ways, but I mean, seriously. Come on, people.
Tonight's speaker was Joni Sensel, and she gave a good, basic talk about writing queries. Although I have to be completely honest and say that I didn't learn anything new, she did hand out some good resources. Besides that, it's always a comfort to hear someone who knows what they're talking about completely reinforce what you're doing.
I'm still sort of debating whether or not to go to the summer conference this year, but I think I'm leaning more towards going. If for nothing else, the cost of admission would be worth it just for the chance to actually bump into some editors and agents in person. Any readers planning on going as well?
Games: After receiving notice that I would be receiving my #17 pick despite several of the games ranked higher being listed as “medium availability”, I decided to modify my GameFly queue to do a little experiment.

dude, I just got #37 on my list of 50... SO EXTREME!!!
Although GameFly lets you have up to 50 games in your wants list, I deleted the bottom 40 and left only ten titles that I am absolutely ready to start playing right now.
I'm hoping that this will force them to start sending things that are higher up on my list, although I don't know what will happen if none of my selections are available. Maybe I will start getting the things I actually want sooner, or maybe they'll just delay sending me something if nothing's on hand. We shall see...

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