Thursday, February 5, 2009

Flash Update: Killzone 2 Demo on your PS3? Here's how...

Games: For whatever boneheaded reason, Sony decided to make the new Killzone 2 demo available ONLY to people who preorder the game. Fortunately, they left their back door open. For now, anyway...
For US players who want to give it a whirl, go to the PS3 XMB and create a new user. Then, toggle over and register this new user for the PSNetwork. Choose 'UK' as your region, and fill out the rest with some random garbage. (that'll teach their marketing department...)
Voila! Killzone 2 demo available.
I could go into a rant about how this stupid regional decision really defeats the purpose of a demo in the first place, but whatever... I need to finish my download before Sony gets hip and locks it away.

1 comment:

  1. It's helpful to have an account on PSN for a few regions besides america. I personally have one for the UK as well as Hong Kong, to help circumvent crap like this and have early access to other features.
