Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Slow Week...

Been kind of a slow week for anything but work, so here are a few random bits to tide you over.
Games: I feel like I've already been talking about it for a million years, but I just finished Alone in the Dark: Inferno on PS3 today and I'm still basking in the afterglow. I may end up doing an official review for the game, but whether or not that comes together, it gets my absolute highest recommendation.

If you're on the fence about it, don't be. If you heard bad things about the 360 version, understand that Inferno is a huge step up. If you want a classy, mature horror game that takes bold steps towards innovating the very foundations of modern game design, check it out.
An interesting side note: I don't know why it didn't occur to me earlier, but as I was poking around and looking up information on Inferno, I finally realized that Eden Studios is the same developer that created Kya: Dark Lineage.

A spectacular, fresh, and original action-platformer, your PS2 library isn't complete without it. Showing the same vital inventiveness and originality that Inferno has, Kya is every bit as good, just in a different genre. If you missed it, my review of Kya is here. Considering the work they've turned out, Eden Studios are some incredibly talented mofos… it's a shame that they've gone completely unappreciated.
Games: My good friend Doug over at Randomly Generated sent me this link and it blew my mind just a little bit. It's a guy playing the drums on Rock Band, and no matter how good you think you are, this guy is probably better.
Games: Am I the only person who's not completely bowled over by Street Fighter IV? I had a mad urge to run out and pick up a brand-new copy on the release day, but I held out in an effort to stick to my budget, and wow... I'm glad that I did. I finally got a chance to put some time into it and I've got to say, it left me a little cold.
For some reason, I thought the graphics would be better (and yes, I'm playing on an HD set). It's not just the resolution or whatever, it's that the actual art direction is just weird. The characters look kind of cartoony, kind of not… it's just odd. Besides that, the hit detection seems kind of wonky to me and I've got to be honest in saying that none of the characters really float my boat. Rufus, especially-- I mean, how did that guy ever get off the drawing board at Capcom R&D?

Fat guy in a yellow suit and topknot? Really?!? The AI leaves something to be desired, as well. In the short amount of time I was playing it, it seemed to me that the computer kept busting out completely cheesy routines… Chun Li abusing her rapid-fire kick, Abel constantly doing his throw—I’m sorry, but that shit’s straight annoying. Don't even get me started on last boss Seth. That guy is sixteen kinds of overripe cheddar all by himself. I still call myself a Street Fighter fan, but I don't see myself ever putting IV near the top of my list.
Writing: The new book is coming along… it just passed the official halfway point little while ago, so it's definitely cookin’. Haven't had to do a ton of rewrites yet, either, which makes me extremely happy. Not a lot else to say right now except that it's all good.
Idol: I really don't know why everyone seemed so surprised to see Alexis get kicked off the show last night.

I've never been very impressed with her, honestly. She's never been at the front of the pack and although she did have the single mom/ pink hair streak factors going for her, it seemed to me that people thought she was just cute more than anything. I would've rather seen Megan get the boot first (talk about a one-trick pony) but getting rid of Alexis seemed just as appropriate.


  1. That's too bad about Street Fighter IV, but I personally enjoyed it more than all fighting games that came out in X360 so far.

    I also think that Street Fighter doesn't always have the best character designs, but their fighting styles are unforgettable. I'm guessing that you haven't tried to play as C. Viper yet. She's a very hard character to use, but she has a fighting mechanic completely her own which, when used right, is a real crowd-pleaser. Same can be said about El Fuerte. Also, if you can, try unlocking Akuma and Gouken. I really dig this game's Akuma.

    Gotta agree that Rufus is uninspired. Also hated Seth, but it's not hard to defeat him if you keep blocking low.

    I don't sit beside you while playing it but, besides your dislike of the graphics (which I disagree with, but that's a matter of what graphic styles we prefer), I don't understand why you don't like it. The only possible reason I can come up with is that you're playing it in exactly the same way you've been playing Street Fighter II. Yes, I guess that'd win you games, but unless you explore the MP+MK move, the dash cancels, and the EX moves, it won't be a terribly exciting game. Also, you should try the challenge mode because it teaches you the combos of each characters, and some, like Sakura, has a lot of really fun combos.

  2. I actually did try Crimson Viper, and although I think she is probably the best out of the new characters, she still didn't really grab me. They all look so... generic. They seem to lack style, and they're not as visually memorable as the original cast or even the second wave of additions.

    Anyway, I can't really pinpoint it right now, but it's just not grabbing me. Meh.

  3. walmart had a new copy of AiTD:I for 19 bucks, so i bought it - even though i'm grinding thru far cry 2 and have purchased RE5 but not played it yet.

    Now i feel justified in buying it, thanks to your info about Eden Studios and Kya. My son and i have both played thru Kya and enjoyed it; i recommend it to family members who still own ps2s because of the mechanics, narrative, and creativity that went into the game.

    If Eden did half as well with Alone in the Dark, i'm in for a treat...i'm looking forward to it.

  4. Hey Bemused,

    Thanks for the comment. After you give AITD:I a shot, post again and let me know what you thought... I'd love to get your take on it.

    And hey, always good to hear of another Kya fan. That game just *rocked*, didn't it?

    ; )
