Saturday, May 16, 2009

Best of Community - Request

Hey All -
I'm going to be putting together a 'Best of Community' post covering the cream of the 360's Community archives. If you've got a good game you'd like to see given some spotlight, LMK via a comment down below, a tweet, or an email.


  1. I'm partial to Miner Dig Deep. The level-grinding gameplay got me hooked, and the completionist in me keeps me coming back. Digging the mine is not only relaxing, but I also feel like I'm constructing something. After my first playthrough, I was compelled to start over to create a new mine without the 'mistakes' I made the first time.

    Solar is also on my short list of community games.

  2. I've heard good things about this one... I'll check it out. Thanks!

    (agree on Solar,too.) ; )
