Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Quickie

Just a quick one tonight.
Food: Now that summer is here, it's time again for the wife to get out the grill and start cooking outdoors. She's got a real talent for it, and besides the usual meat-oriented kinds of things, she also does desserts. Tonight she cooked up grilled bananas drizzled with honey, and if you’ve never had grilled bananas, the consistency of the fruit changes quite a bit after it's been sizzling for a few minutes. After cooking, we topped the banana slices with a little bit of Nutella (a chocolate/hazelnut spread) some whipped cream, and some graham cracker crumbles. Pretty damned tasty stuff, if I do say so myself.
Games: After getting about 2/3rds of the way through inFAMOUS, if not more, I basically wrote my entire review in about forty minutes.

I'm going to keep pushing forward and finish it off, but I'd be very surprised if anything in this last section really changes my opinion.
Besides inFAMOUS, I'm putting the finishing touches on my upcoming Crimson Gem Saga review, I've got a few more entries to do for my ‘Best of Community’ feature, and as if all that wasn't enough, I've been toying with the idea of doing the main review for Fallout 3.

(…And yes, I do know that any potential review would be quite late to the party, but it is a pretty sad state of affairs that we’ve got full reviews for all of the DLC add-ons, but not one for the game proper.)
Writing: Things are progressing slowly but surely on the new book. Although I've fallen way behind on my daily quota, I think it's still entirely possible to have the whole thing wrapped up and edited well before the end of the year. I hope.

Other than that, not much to report.

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