Friday, July 24, 2009

Chapter 20, Riddick, and Dr. Horrible

Writing: After resuming work on the currently-untitled book my co-author and I have been putting together, I'm glad to say that I put another chapter in the can after taking a month and a half off.
I definitely felt a bit rusty after not having touched it in so long-- my usual M.O. is to do at least a little bit every night, so taking a big break like that was unusual. I have to admit, I had basically no clue where I left off before the summer, so I was really glad that my partner and I had sketched out a pretty comprehensive outline for the remainder of the book.
If you're a writer and you're not doing outlines.. why not?
Games: Still playing Dark Athena on 360.
I thought I had reached the end of the game when the developers surprised me and whipped out another new chunk of content to get through. To be perfectly frank, I think I was ready for the game to be over. I'm a little concerned now that it might overstay its welcome.
Still enjoying it so far, though… the writers have done a really bang-up job in clearly illustrating Riddick’s character. I may not like what I see and I may not agree with it, but there's no doubt that he feels very consistent and well-defined. In this respect, they've done better than I expected, and the rest of the story has been above-average as well.
Brutal, dark, and certainly heartless at times, but above-average.
Dark Athena aside, I’m still chipping away at Emergency on the DS and I just downloaded ‘Splosion Man (XBLA) from Twisted Pixel.

Heard nothing but good things about it, so I'm very much looking forward to starting it up.
Film: Ok, it's not really a film exactly, but the wife and I just watched Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog on DVD, and we loved it. Before viewing, all I knew about it was that it was written by Joss Whedon and that Neil Patrick Harris was in it. Both are A-OK in my book, and since the wife has acclimated me to watching musicals, I was more than willing to give it a shot.

Basically, it's about a failed supervillain (Dr. Horrible) who wants to earn his way into the local union of evildoers. He's also got a crush on a woman he's met at the local laundromat, and his nemesis keeps throwing wrenches into his works. Take that basic premise and mix it up with some nicely-written songs, and you've got about 48 minutes of quality, modern-era entertainment.
NPH rocked the house, I loved the ending, and the whole thing is definitely recommended. great stuff.


  1. Actually, Dr. Horrible is just 39 minutes long. It makes me wonder why TV shows don't seem to be able to do half as much in more time than that.
