Sunday, October 18, 2009

Short Weekend, Docomodake's fun

Misc: It was a hard week with some odd situations and odd hours, with the entire thing ending in a pretty painful assignment on Saturday. Since the baby’s come, I’ve been trying to work more “regular” hours as opposed to the usual anytime/anywhere, and having to put time in on the weekend after doing an M-to-F’er really axed my whole groove.

Instead of being on top of things, I was so exhausted that all I did was hang out with the wife and son (which was awesome and appropriate, actually) and zoned out in front of Demon’s Souls the rest of the day pursuing some OCD White Tendency stuff I didn’t see on my first time through.
At the time I’m posting this, I’m looking at my to-do list and not having any idea where to start.
Games: The 360’s still in the shop.
Meanwhile, (as I mentioned above) I’m almost done with my second playthrough of Demon’s Souls. The last time I immediately started a second play after finishing something was probably Super Mario Bros, or maybe Mega Man. Can’t believe I’m doing it, but here I am… and enjoying it.
(BTW, the first time through was something like 38 hours. This one’s about 12 so far. When you know what you’re doing, it makes a HUGE difference.)
Also started Docomodake Boing! on the DS. Pretty early into it, but it’s been surprisingly enjoyable. Basically a coin-collecting platformer, the hook is that the main character’s a mushroom that can split himself off into smaller versions of himself to use as building blocks, stepping stones, weapons, and so on.

Simple and straightforward, but the twist is a nice one and it’s well-done. Very clean. Liking it.
More to come.

1 comment:

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