Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Son's Here

Family: My oldest son arrived this morning for one of his thrice-yearly visits. He'll be here for a week and I'm elated to get to spend some time with him, but he's actually not feeling so well, so instead of my usual post I'm just going to do a quickie for the night.
Games: My 360 RROD'd yesterday, bringing my grand total to three MS console deaths. Even the PS1 (known for its failures in the early models) never died as often as the 360, making it the most fail-prone console in history. I mean, going through *four* units in one generation? Come on. The result? No 360 titles for my son while he's here and my review schedule just went out the window.
In Demon's Souls news, I'm in the homestretch before the last boss, but I borked myself by trading in my best weapon (an upgraded Halberd) for a demon-enhanced Dozer Axe. Big mistake... the Axe has much heftier damage, but it's incredibly slow and has a shorter range. In other words, it's useless on the last boss fights. Gonna have to farm some souls in order to get my old weapon back. A stupid self-setback on my part, but easily overcome with a bit of gruntwork. The quest continues!
Oh, and I love Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Totally recommended.

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