Friday, November 6, 2009

Dragon Delays... or Disappearance?

Games: So, my missing copy of Dragon Age… the saga continues, although not for much longer.
If you read my last post, then you’ll remember that there was a problem with getting hooked up with the Deluxe Edition of BioWare’s latest.
It's been pretty tough seeing all the reviews come in, both hot and cold, and it's been especially tough hearing all my friends talk about it on Twitter. This title was my last big “looking forward to” for 2009, and with less than two months in the year, I need to get cracking to see whether or not it has a chance of ranking near the top of the year’s titles.
In any event, after speaking with Amazon they basically told me to hold tight and give the post office to chance to forward the package to me. There are worse things than waiting, I suppose, so that's basically been okay. However, today I got an e-mail from Amazon telling me that the package has been delivered, and asking whether I was satisfied with the resolution.
Resolution? Something has been resolved?
This is news to me.
Clicking on the informational link provided, the tracking number shows that the package was delivered two days ago. After letting out an audible gasp, I throw on some shoes and dash out of the house, wife and child in tow. If the package has been delivered as the tracking number says it has, then it's either at my old house or at my post office being held for rerouting. I decide to go to the old house first since I figure that will be the first question the person at the postal counter will ask.
Arriving at my former domicile, I quickly check around the perimeter of the house. Our mailman was infamous for stashing packages in places where no one would ever look, and there were more than a few times that I discovered a rain-soaked package after it had been sitting unseen for a few days. I don't see anything, so I decide to knock on the door.
A youngish, upwardly-mobile-looking dude comes down. Early to mid 30s, in the same age bracket as myself. Glasses. Hip shirt. Well-groomed. I introduce myself and explain that we were the former occupants of the house, and that Amazon had told me my package has been delivered. Had he seen it? Did he have it?
(At this point, I'd like to state for the record that I thought his cheeks flushed as I asked the question, and it seemed as though he got a little bit tense. My wife did not agree and having never met the person before, I can't say for sure. It might have just been my imagination, but that was my immediate impression.)
What was his response when I asked whether he had it?

“What was in it?”
Now, I don't know about you, but when I get packages or letters that have been delivered to my address by mistake, I don't open them. I never open them. I put them back in the outgoing mail, or if they won't fit, I take them down to the post office and explain that they were delivered in error. Under no circumstances do I open anything that isn't addressed to me, and it struck me as particularly odd that this person would ask what was inside the package. Regardless of what was inside the box, it would've been perfectly obvious that it was not intended for him. It may be due to my inherent distrust of humanity, but I found it more than a little suspicious that he was so keen to find out what was inside this box that I'm telling him had arrived by mistake.
My spider sense immediately starts tingling.
“It was a box from Amazon addressed to me. They said was delivered two days ago, so do you have it?”
I intentionally don't answer his question about the contents because, really, it's not his damn business what was in the package in the first place.
He tells me that no, he doesn't know, he hasn't gotten any packages except for some teeth-whitening stuff, and hasn't seen anything. He asks again what's in it. He offers to take down my phone number “just in case.”
I give it to him, but there's just something about his manner that puts me off.
Given his age, it's extremely likely that he's a gamer. The fact that he wanted to know what was inside the box suggests to me that he's already opened it. Under the circumstances and my gut feeling about this fellow, if you asked me where my game is, I’d tell you that it's inside this guy’s 360.
I have no idea why the post office wouldn't have forwarded the box as they should have, but both the post office and Amazon are telling me that the package was delivered to my old address, and living at my old address is a guy who looks to me like a cat caught with canary feathers in his mouth.
There was nothing else I could do except thank him for his time and walk away, but I'd be willing to bet any amount of money that my copy of Dragon Age is never going to arrive at my house—it’s already arrived at his.


  1. Sorry to hear about your Dragon Age troubles.

    I may have some consolation news for you.

    Of the downloadable content you get when you open your little game disc. only 2 of the four are pre-order content. the other two are given out with ANY copy of Dragon age bought "new" from retail and not second hand.

    its these latter two that are the good stuff, the pre-order gear is actually just fluff, a "better than newb gear" ring and amulet, eventually replaced.

    It really sucks that you've been a victim of misfortune and immoral tennants, but dont worry about the loss of your pre-order goodies, the real goodies are a part of the game bought "as new".

  2. Also, the pre-order gear I thought comes via e-mail.

    Have you got Amazon to send you a replacement copy (that is, if your contact info was correct to begin with)
