Sunday, November 1, 2009

Looking for Noms and Random Linkage

Today has been one of those ‘wish everybody would just STFU, bugger off and leave me alone days’, so in continuing that spirit, I'm going to phone it in tonight and get to bed early. Extra sleep will probably do me some good... In the meantime:
Games: Episode 24 of the GameCritics Podcast is now live and available for download. It features the first of two parts on the ‘Myths of Game Reviews’ and incorporates the feedback that so many of you left here at Coffeecola and also at the boards over at GC. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.
@strybe from Twitter (AKA Daniel Lipscombe over at Hi-Score) has a new feature entitled ‘Cinematics with a Twist’ up at his site. It's a collection of short essays from various reviewers and games people on what cutscenes struck a chord with them, and yours truly was honored to be able to contribute a bit about one of my favorite titles of all time, Shenmue 2.
Over at The Side Mission, Chris Vandergaag has an interesting piece about DJ Hero. His pieces never fail to amuse me, perhaps you'll feel the same.
Finally, we are starting to talk about wrapping up 2009 over at GC. We will likely be doing some podcast coverage, and you can bet that I will be doing my own personal top ten here. In the meantime, I'm looking for your nominations and personal selections that you think might have been forgotten or overlooked.
These kind of top-ten lists inevitably favor games that were released in the latter half of the year, but good things were released in the first six months, too. If you've got a title or two that you think deserves some attention, post a comment, send me an e-mail, or tweet me and you just may see your pick at year’s end.

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