Saturday, November 28, 2009

Writing and AC2

Writing: Work on the book is coming along, slowly but surely. Things went by a lot faster before the baby was born, but the family unit is finally settling into a fairly stable groove. Of course, it didn't help that 18,000,000 games got released for the fourth quarter crush and that I've been doing a few night gigs here and there, but all that stuff aside, things are getting back on track.
Although I'd love to have a few days where I could sit in front of the computer for six hours and bang out three chapters, I'm still content and my co-author is the definition of the word gracious.
Writing is really all about patience anyway, isn't it?
Games: Still playing Assassin’s Creed 2, and at this point I'm completely sick of it. In fact, I'm sick of it to the point that I had a few available hours to keep playing, and I chose to turn the system off and walk away because I just couldn't take it anymore.
Tedium and repetition have crept in and put a stranglehold on the proceedings, and it doesn't help that the story is about as boring as the story can be. Italian Renaissance political intrigue? Snore.
Although I will admit that this game is better than the first, that doesn't mean that it's great. Far from it. I'm honestly shocked that people have given it such great reviews (currently a 92 on MetaCrititc! A 92!!) and I'm even more shocked that anybody would even consider it for GOTY status. Seriously don't get that.
Anyway, back to the book…


  1. I swear, any game will get a 9 if it has adequate pre-launch hype. Reviewers hand out 9's nearly across the board. Go over to Gamespot and compare all the titles they give a 9. Then tell me all those games are of the same quality. The current rating system is losing my trust. Maybe a little conflict of interest is at work between developers and reviewers. Oops, shouldn't have said that.
