Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mass Effected

Games: So, I’m replaying Mass Effect. Why? Well, I had no plans to. I had a blast playing it the first time through, felt totally satisfied, and was greatly looking forward to the next installment. Over, done with, finished.

Now that Mass Effect 2 is almost here, the chatter around it is starting to grow. With the knowledge that events in the sequel change depending on the choices that were made in the first game, my inner complete-freak began doing its thing and I found myself helpless to resist the compulsion to play through the game again just to be completely sure that all of the quests that might be significant later were completed the way that I wanted them done.
I haven't touched the game since the craptastic Pinnacle Station DLC came out, so going back into the adventure proper has reminded me all over again of why I put it as my second favorite game of all time. It still looks great, it still plays great, and I can't get enough of the Sci-Fi themes. One of the best 360 games? Absolutely.

Even though Dragon Age: Origins is BioWare’s latest and greatest (and a fine game despite having issues) ME pretty much blows it out of the water in every respect, as far as I'm concerned. It was also sort of jaw-dropping To see how much better Mass Effect looks despite coming out years before Dragon Age. Playing the two back to back, the difference in the amount of resources put into the games becomes instantly apparent. No offense to DA:O devotees (and really, I enjoyed quite a bit) but it feels totally ghetto compared to the sheen and polish Commander Shepard is sporting.
Things are progressing at a rapid clip since I basically already know what I'm doing and I started a new game with my old data, meaning that my character has top-notch armor and weapons, along with all of the skills she accumulated during the first playthrough. Slaughtering those Geth has never been easier. All's well and good, except for a little bit of info that my good friend @ParkerXL laid on me…

Apparently, ME2’s wild, new character named Subject Zero is based off of a person that you can encounter in the first ME, but only if you chose the Colony origin. My Commander Shepard was Earthborn, so I never saw that particular sidequest, or that person.
My gut is telling me that BioWare wouldn't completely lock away a character in the sequel based solely on a very minor decision made at the start of the first game so long ago, but then again, my complete-freak is a little horrified that it might be the case. On the other hand, it was possible to collect every party member in Dragon Age regardless of what the origin chosen was, so I'm hoping that holds true again here.
Really, really hoping.


  1. I'd be shocked if BioWare took such a ballsy series persistent stance as that tbh!

  2. Hello chaps. The previously mentioned @ParkerXL right here.

    I just want to clear something up.

    The relationship between Talitha (the ME 1 girl) and Subject Zero is as yet undetermined. The fact that they appear to be the same person is obvious to anyone who remembers her from ME 1. Perhaps too obvious?

    Bioware have not confirmed or denied the link as far as i know.

    My personal gut feeling is that there is some sort of link between the two characters.

    They could either be the same person, or Subject Zero is some sort of clone of Talitha. Talitha mentions Experiments and wires, so this fits.

    Really though its anyone guess at this point.

    I dont think missing her in ME 1 will have any affect on whether you can recruit her in ME 2 whatever the case, but like Brad, im going to play again and save her just to make sure.
