Friday, December 18, 2009


Just a placeholder post tonight. Got a few irons in the fire that need tending, but I'm 99% done with my top ten of the year. My plan is to post that before the weekend's over, so keep your eyes peeled.
In the meantime, I'm really digging Armor Valley, which was a 400-point DL from Xbox Live's Indie service. Players pilot an agile dropship while ground forces advance towards an enemy base. It's a great mix of real-time action and quasi-RTS-ish ground assault. It sports surprising complexity for being an Indie game-- I was honestly a bit shocked. Let's get this guy a bigger budget ASAP. I'd love to see a shinier, bells-and-whistles version of this project.
Lastly, I finally got around to doing some of that fabled PSP/PS3 connectivity and loaded up Fate/Unlimited Codes as well as Kahoots from the Minis menu. Haven't tried Fate yet, but Kahoots is a cute, fun little Lemmings-ish puzzler that I'd recommend.
More to come.

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