Monday, January 25, 2010

The In-Laws, Axel & Pixel, and White Collar

The in-laws are in town (Hi Bob and Mary Ann!) and we've been spending quite a bit of time with them since they traveled from a great distance away to hang out. A great, great distance, actually.
Contrary to the stereotype, my in-laws are the best kind of people, and it's been nice to watch them spend time with the baby. Besides that, whenever they’re here we tend to eat out quite a bit, so the whole thing is basically a win-win-win.
My writing schedule is a bit off-kilter, but that's a small price to pay for the quality family time we've been having in exchange. I'm very glad they're here.
Games: Since my copy of Mass Effect 2 will be arriving in approximately 3 days (no same-day shipping? Bah!) I’m not playing anything lengthy or substantial... everything stops when the game gets here, so I'm keeping my slate is clean as it can be.

In the meantime, I wrapped up Ninja Blade and turned in the review. You should see it go live shortly. I had an absolute blast with that title, and it was the perfect way to interrupt the extended string of RPGs I've been on lately. If you are not opposed to the idea of a game that uses QTEs as a primary mechanic of delivering action, this one is a doozy.

Following that, I moved on to XBLA’s Axel & Pixel. A quirky, eccentric point-and-click with loads of personality, I fell in love with it after just a minute with the demo and did not regret purchase of the full version. The review for this game should be done soon, but basically it was a delightful little Adventure-style game from some talented people in the Czech Republic that focuses more on accessibility and charm than brain-bustingly obtuse puzzles. Finished it in about four hours, but it was pure pleasure all the way through.
Will probably start Contra ReBirth on WiiWare tomorrow, and if I blew through that than I've got a couple more things that should be quick plays to help me pass the time until Commander Shepard makes her return.
Writing: Completed the longest chapter I've done so far for the new book, and even though it's rough and will undoubtedly need some serious editing, it felt great to get it in the can. With that chapter done, I can officially say that the book is now in the home stretch. Of course, it won't be done when the last word is written, but just knowing that the finish line is in sight puts a smile on my face and gets me pumped to keep going forward and get it put together.

TV: Finally got around to watching the season premiere of White Collar that we've had lurking on the DVR. Considering the incredible cliffhanger that the writers dropped in our laps at the end of last season, I have to say that they did a respectable job of bringing it full circle and moving the series into a new direction. I was a little leery that they’d pull it off, but the wife and I were both satisfied… Chalk up another positive karma point for the USA Network . Now, to find time to get back to Burn Notice


  1. You and I keep disagreeing on games. I just didn't see that much beyond the charm of Axel and Pixel. Look forward to reading your review, though.

  2. I just got my copy of Ninja Blade today, Brad, under your recommendation. Better hope I don't pull a Sinan on you!

  3. Glad the book is getting closer and closer to completion, it much be such a feeling of self-satisfaction to complete something like that.

    And remember, I get a free, signed, issue #1 from the books author! ;).

    Oh, plus you know my feelings on you getting Mass Effect 2. *shakes fist*
