Sunday, March 21, 2010

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Drinking Coffeecola!

Notice anything different?

No, not the hair.

No, I haven't lost weight either, but thanks for saying so.

After having been blogging for the last few years, I felt like it was time for a little change. Time to freshen up the place. Slap a new coat of paint on the walls, so to speak. Although I did switch templates (and it feels really odd to me to have my sidebar on the right and not the left) the biggest thing is the brand-spanking new custom logo created especially for this site by Chris Coughlan, AKA @TotallyEpic on Twitter.

Personally, I think he did an amazing job reading my mind, and was totally patient and professional when listening to all my nitpicks and tweaks. If you've got art needs, I'd totally recommend him. My experience was nothing but awesome.

Drop me a line if you’ve got any feedback on DC’s new look, I'd love to hear it. In the meantime, let's get back to the regularly-scheduled blog where I take a few bits and pieces that have been accumulating in my e-mail over time and I regurgitate them here for your viewing pleasure.

First up, a message from Daniel Lipscombe on a brand-new gamer-oriented charity project:

Points For Life is a charity event that will take place on June 5th 2010. A charity event aimed at videogame players, it’s our chance to give something back. The idea of the event is to ask people to sponsor us to gain Achievement points, PSN trophies and Steam Achievements. Play will start at 9am on June 5th and last for 24 hours, and it’s up to participants to earn as many Achievements/Trophies as they possibly can. Sponsors can pledge per Achievement points or Trophies, or they can just sponsor the event. The raised funds will be donated to Child's Play and Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital.

"We gamers are a massive community and a determined bunch of people," said event organiser Daniel Lipscombe. "Charities such as Great Ormond Street Hospital and Child's Play need money to keep up the great work they do, and if we come together we can give something back and do some good."

Website -

Twitter -

Facebook -

We have a target to reach for each charity, and we hope to gather as many gamers as possible to reach (and hopefully break) these targets.

Email us about the project at

Moving on, anyone who reads this blog will know that I am a huge fan of Twisted Pixel. I loved The Maw and ‘Splosion Man was even better. Their new project, titled Comic Jumper, will be on display at the upcoming PAX East show.

According to my sources, attendees will be able to see the first ten minutes of gameplay along with concept art, screenshots and a Q&A with the developers. If you're going to be at PAX East, stop by the Twisted Pixel booth and tell them that I sent you.

(Also, if you stop by the Mommy’s Best Games booth and tell them that you heard about it from the podcast, you'll be eligible for a free piece of swag.)

I personally won't be at PAX East (will be at PAX West, though) but I look forward to hearing all about it. If you're going, drop me a line and let me know how it was.


  1. Nice job on the site redesign. It'll take some getting used to (I made heavy use of your links section), but i'm sure i'll come around to the changes in no time.

  2. Costas> thanks!

    Hargrada> i'm 99% sure i didn't remove anything vital... If i goofed and deleted anything you used, LMK and I'll reinstate it.
