Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Sonic Adventure (PSN) Giveaway!!!

Games: When it rains, it pours, right?

It's been quite a while since I ran a giveaway, and then here I go doing three practically back to back… still, nothing pleases me more than handing things out for free, so I'm quite glad I have the opportunity to do so.

Up for grabs: three copies of Sonic Adventure for PSN, *including* the extra DX content. That's right, if you win, you will receive a complete copy of this Dreamcast classic via the PS3 download service.

Just to be absolutely clear, these codes are only good for the PS3… No 360 codes available, sorry about that.

So, what you have to do? Simple. Just answer this question:

What exactly does Sonic DO with all of the golden rings he collects in his games?

Serious, silly, absurd... whatever. Give me your best answer posted as a comment at the bottom, and I will choose three lucky folks at random to receive the codes. That’s it!

Winners will be drawn at the next update, so enter as soon as you can and keep your eyes peeled.


Games: Not much to report on the what-I've-been-playing front. My little boy has been under the weather with a nasty cold that's been keeping him up late at night, so my nocturnal time to game has been instead dedicated towards snuggling with him on the couch and watching Pingu and the Wiggles into the wee hours of the morning. (...And by the way, Sam will never fill Greg's shoes.)

Etrian Odyssey 3 (or is it?)
When not wiping his nose, I've been squeezing in a little bit of Etrian Odyssey 3 when I can. Although the review went live a while ago, I had not completed it at the time it was submitted and it's such a great game that I didn’t want to stop even though the pressure to produce was off. At this point I'm on floor 19, and the boss is on floor 20. Just a little more to go!

(…And no, I'm not going to start the post-game content on floors 21-25. I've got to draw the line somewhere.)

Definitely NOT Deadly Premonition
Besides EO3, I'm still trying to chip away at Deadly Premonition… to be honest, I'm enjoying it greatly, but it's hard to find the time to play since the save points are not always handy and the cutscenes can’t be paused. These two things alone pretty much rule out any chance I might have to get in some time with it during the day, and I already mentioned the nighttime predicament... Le sigh.

Still, enjoying it!


  1. What does he do with them?

    Clearly, when he has enough "golden rings," he intends to open a White Castle.

    Harr! Get it? <.< Golden rings?


  2. I'm gonna say that when Sonic gets home from a hard day of... well, whatever he does. He kicks back and unwinds with some "Scissor Sisters", dons a bright pink dress and accentuates his outfit with items from his ring collection.

    Usually he uses the bright shiny ones on a Friday night, where he feels at his most confident. Of course he would never explore the Emerald Hill Zone looking that confused about his gender... can you imagine what Knuckles and Eggman would say?"

  3. He NEEEEEDS his precioussssssssss. He loves his birthday present, he does. He hates Eggmanses, fat, horrible, trying to get his precious.

  4. I hope your son gets better soon!

    As for Sonic, he's building a house by gluing together all those gold rings.

  5. Sonic collected up as many rings as he could and took them to one of those "Cash for Gold" places. How else do you think Sonic 4 got funded?

  6. he just collects them cause he thinks they're silly bands.

  7. 1. I used to picture Sonic wearing the rings Mr. T-style, so I'm gonna go with that.

    2. Greg is irreplaceable.

    3. I can't imagine working my way through something like EO3 and *not* doing some of the post-game. Just to try it out, maybe, but you've got to do a *little* of it. And then let us know what it's like.

  8. he collects the rings so he can eat them cause when he gets hit all the rings fall out so like he throws them up when he gets hit by a enemy they are like onion rings cause sonic loves onion rings

  9. I always thought Sonic's golden rings were the closest thing the Zones had to currency.

    I mean, how else does he buy his trademark red shoes - or, as any hardcore Sonic fan knows, his beloved Chili Dogs?

  10. Because he wants to run rings around Eggman.

    Sorry, I just can't resist a Sonic Adventure giveaway. :P

  11. Clearly, he doesn't invest them. I'm guessing blow. He spends them on blow.

  12. Sonic his self does not know why he must have every gold ring he see's he just knows that he has to have em'
