Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Emerald City Comicon, Catherine's coming (!!!) and The Walking Dead marathon


Please excuse the brevity today, but productive time is in short supply and there are a lot of irons in the fire. that said, it didn't feel right letting me update slip, so hopefully this will tide you over until next time…


Comics: This weekend (March 4, 5, 6) is the Emerald City Comicon taking place in Seattle. It's always a great show, and there's going to be an absolute ton of stuff to see and do.

It is by far my favorite show to attend in the Northwest, and if you somehow manage to not make it down this weekend, you will definitely be missing out. Click on over to the website to check out all the details and if you see me on the floor, come over and say hi!


Games: Still playing Ghost Trick on the DS. Still totally loving it. Complete thumbs-up. In fact, a hardcore thumbs up.

In other hardcore thumbs-up news, Atlus just confirmed that the uber-trippy slumber-licious psycho-sexy sheep game Catherine will be hitting the US this summer.

This title is easily one of my most-anticipated of the year, and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on it. For more info, click the love right here.


TV: If you missed AMC’s excellent series The Walking Dead, your hance to catch up is coming up on March 4th when all six episodes of Season 1 will air back-to-back in a marathon of the undead.

I'm pretty sure that anybody taking the time to read this blog has already seen the series in its entirety, but I figured I'd mention it JUST IN CASE.

Also, I’m beyond ready for Season 2.


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