Friday, March 18, 2011

Family Update, Gay Sex In Space (Part 2) and Crazy Rich Folks

Family: Although I haven't mentioned it here at the blog yet, I've been spending most of the last week with my oldest son. He’s here for his Spring Break, so the lack of updates is mostly due to the fact that we’ve been staying up late every night trying to squeeze every last minute out of every day. He's a fantastic kid and I love him very much, and I am more than a little proud to say that he’s cutting his game-playing teeth on Monster Hunter, Trials HD, and a number of other things that might not be traditionally seen as kid-friendly fare.

(Bonus: he's really good at them.)

I might start thinking about introducing him to Demon’s Souls next…. Thanks to @ChrisGreen87 for that suggestion.

The other big reason for my tardiness in posting is that I got hit (again) with one of those incredibly annoying viruses that masks itself as a Microsoft security warning and completely disables your PC’s ability to connect to the Internet. I tried a number of solutions without success and was becoming increasingly frustrated over the span of two days until @JenJeaHaly worked a miracle and gave me exactly what I needed to free my embattled system from the clutches of that vile, vile virus. Whoever comes up with these evil programs needs to be hung up by their short and curlies while being bludgeoned with disabled hard drives.


Games: I recently made a guest appearance over at the Chronoludic podcast. The topic of discussion was Indie games, and I was joined by the aforementioned Chris, as well as @SebWuepper and @MikeDunbar. You can CLICK HERE to check it out if you're so inclined.


"Hey... So, like... What's up?"
Games: A while ago I wrote up a brief piece expressing my dissatisfaction with BioWare’s decision to exclude homosexual relationship options from Mass Effect 2. In response to this, I was recently contacted by writer Mary Goodden from over at GodIsAGeek. She's done a nice piece expressing her own view on the subject, and while I don't necessarily agree with everything she has to say, it's a good read examining other aspects of the issue. Take a look for yourself and see what you think.

(Oh, one other thing while I'm still on the topic of BioWare… I completed Dragon Age II last night and submitted my full review just a little while ago. It's not up at GameCritics yet, but it will be soon. Although I'm sure my previous posts here at the blog will give you a pretty strong hint as to what I thought of the game, my official writeup will dispel any lingering doubts.)


This has nothing to do with crazy rich people, but I stumbled across it during my search and I loved the image. Whatevs.  
Misc: I saw this link posted by @Stillgray a day or so ago, and I have to say that it completely turned my stomach. I'll let you read the gory details for yourself, but essentially the gist is that people who are already millionaires report that they don't "feel wealthy" despite having bank accounts featuring seven-digit (or more) balances. If these people with distorted views of reality don't feel happy with all that money, they'd be positively suicidal if they switched accounts with me.

Seriously, you crazy rich bastards... get a grip.


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