Saturday, April 16, 2011

The End of Indiefest... Long Live Indiefest!


Games: So, after a lengthy, unexpected medical quasi-crisis and much unavoidable delay, I'm finally getting around to wrapping up my seven-day Xbox Live Indiefest. I'll dispense with the formalities since I'm sure most of the people reading this blog have already seen the preface several times.

(If you haven't, just scroll down until you see the posts for Days Six through One.)

I had planned on covering another handful of games for tonight's post, and this was supposed to be the final entry. Instead, I'm going to hold off on covering new titles and save them for next time.

Yes, there will be a next time.

This has been a really fun and enjoyable thing to do, so my new plan is to cover at least four or five Indies once a week on a regular basis. Covering these games again has reminded me of how much enjoyment I derive from checking out the Indies, so I'm going to keep that love train a-rolling.

With that said, as a way of wrapping up my "official" Indiefest coverage and giving the whole thing a little closure, I'm going to go ahead and run a list of some older favorites. they're all fun or interesting titles (and hey, some are even both!) so I'd like to humbly suggest that if some of these names are new to you, that you should do yourself a favor and check them out.


Some of my XBLI topchoice picks, in alphabetical order…

Aban Hawkins

Armor Valley

Breath of Death VIII
CarneyVale Showtime


Cthulhu Saves the World

Defy Gravity
Epic Dungeon

Miner Dig Deep

Shoot 1UP





Weapon of Choice
Zombie Estate


Thanks again for sticking with me over the week (plus) of XBL Indie coverage. I hope you've enjoyed it, and I definitely hope you’ve checked out at least a few of the titles I’ve mentioned. They may not have AAA-level budgets, but a lot of these projects are really something special.

Normal blogging covering my usual random bits will resume next post!


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