Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pacific Northwest Journos... Gooooooooo!!!

For tonight's blog entry, I've got a bit of a special announcement.
Just a few days ago, co-founder @AlexRubens and I established a brand-new games-related venture. At the moment, we've only got an introductory teaser page up, but if you are a writer, reviewer, newsie, developer, or PR person based in the Pacific Northwest, I invite you to click on over to…
Although we will be providing in-depth details to everyone who signs up once the site officially launches during PAX Prime, the core concept is to help grow strong connections between the thriving development scene in the Pacific Northwest and local journalists who want to cover and support the industry. With such a high density of games-oriented people in the upper-left corner of the map, it only makes sense to bring all camps together and start capitalizing on the unique, friendly-neighbor dynamic that’s blossoming here – So that’s what we’re doing.

There’s definitely a lot more info coming down the pipe, but without giving too much away, we are proud to announce that our inaugural press event is taking place in conjunction with Signal Studios in Bothell, WA. The subject of this event will be the upcoming XBLA title Toy Soldiers: Cold War.
We already have several other events in the works, so if you are a gaming-type journo person in the Pacific Northwest and you want to get in on the upcoming action, please make sure you register at the site. If you are a local developer and would like to hear a little more about what this mad thing is all about, I invite you to register as well. If you’re down with the Twitters, give us a follow at @PNWJournos and you can keep tabs that way, too.
Things are brewing, so stay tuned and keep your eyes and ears peeled once PAX Prime rolls around…

1 comment:

  1. Sounds really exciting! Too bad I'm not in the area. I'll keep tabs on the Twitter account for sure
