Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Brief Hiatus

Hey all.

Just a quick note to say that my posts here will be on hold for about a week. My oldest son's spending time with me for his Spring Break, so every free minute is with him. I've given up trying to keep on top of everything, so look for my regular posting to resume in a bit.

In the meantime...

Mass Effect 3! Dat ending!


Skylanders! Dose toys!


I Am Alive! De Pression!


See y'all in a few days.


  1. Ahaha, you had me at "de pression."

    Have fun! Let us know how many of those toys you cave in and buy for your kids :P

  2. Have a great time with the family! :)

  3. Hey Brad, glad to see that you enjoyed Mass Effect 3. However, I find it odd that you didn't address the way that the ending seems to have the entire gaming community up in arms against it. Will you be addressing it in later discussions or something?

  4. Hey Clementine.

    Sorry for the delay in response. Anyway, I go into my take on the ending on the GameCritics podcast and will also go into it again on Gamecritics After Dark (coming soon!)

    Check those out for the full scoop.
