Saturday, December 29, 2012

Big Pimpin'


Thanks: As I look back on 2012, I have to say that despite the challenges which cropped up, it was a great year overall. My family is well, Gamecritics is going strong, readership here at Coffeecola is good, and my book is on track for publication.

I wanted to share some of that goodness with everyone who helped make 2012 so great, and if I could, I’d gift something to everyone who helped make it that way. Unfortunately, I haven’t reached millionaire status yet, so that’s kind of a no-go.

Instead, I'm going to use tonight's blog as a platform for something other than my tangential ramblings.  It may not be much, I feel like it’s the least I can do. So, instead of what I usually post, I'm getting the word out about people who have helped get the word out about me.

Below is a list of folks who wished to be mentioned in tonight’s blog post.  Please take a moment to check them out on Twitter, look at their websites and projects, or at least glance their way for a moment or two.
Also, thanks very much to everyone not on this list who didn’t have anything to pimp.  

You are all very much appreciated, and I look forward to another great year with all of you.



@teedub78 says  “I am fucking hilarious almost never.” 


@DriveForSix and @Rman5k would like people to check out @AddedXP, their parent-oriented gaming podcast.


@JPSJeffOrt would like readers to know his podcast at is now entering its 4th year.


@Matt_Paprocki wants folks to know about his Blu-Ray site, @DoBlu.


Michael Cunningham is running a personal blog/portable gaming site with interviews, impressions, and some news over at

@xixBlueWolfxix wouldn't say no to some eyes and ears at his new home@tscoin.  


@secondquest says the internet seems to hate It could use all the love it can get!


Chalgyr would like to mention his site, - he says he's a mid 30's gaming enthusiast who has played a LOT of video games over the years (and even has most of his old consoles in running order). He posts reviews, news and general thoughts.


Thanks again to everyone!!

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