Friday, March 27, 2015

There's a progression glitch in Bloodborne - heads up!


I know a lot of y'all out there are playing Bloodborne right now. I got this info straight from Sony this morning, and I'm passing it on to hopefully save you some heartache. 

Heads up!


Missing “Lunarium Key” bug:
Following limited early reports from users, the development team has worked quickly to identify, recreate, and ultimately confirm a progression bug regarding the “Lunarium Key” in “Byrgenwerth” not appearing properly.

This bug occurs once the user initiates online multiplayer as a co-op guest (by using the “Small Resonant Bell”) or as a hostile invader (by using the “Sinister Resonant Bell”) in the “Forbidden Woods” area.

  • A 1.02 hotfix is currently being finalized and prepared for deployment. Due to the early detection and reporting of this bug (thanks to the Reddit and GameFaqs communities for escalating), the team is confident the hotfix can be released next week. An exact ETA is not presently available, but we will provide more information as soon as possible.
    • This hotfix will not include previously stated planned improvements to load times and performance; those refinements will be included later in a separate patch.
  • Players are advised to please avoid using either the “Small Resonant Bell” or the “Sinister Resonant Bell” in the “Forbidden Woods” until the hotfix is deployed
  • To the players who have already fulfilled the bug criteria and encountered this issue: the team extends its sincerest apologies for this inconvenience. The 1.02 hotfix will resolve this issue and every step is being taken to deploy it as soon as possible. Your patience and understanding are appreciated.


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