Sunday, February 17, 2008

Alone on Sundays...?

After starting this blog recently, I started getting into reading the blogs of others. I usually touch base with a few faves before bedtime, but I'm starting to notice that almost none of the ones I frequent get updated on Sundays.

...Is everybody posting while they're supposed to be doing things at work? Are most bloggers highly religious folk who use the seventh day as rest? in a situation like this, what's a man supposed to read before he goes to bed?

Help me out here, people. If you've got some good blogs that you can recommend, drop me a line. Blogs that update on Sundays are a plus.

...Oh, one more thing. Cheesy Nachos + Fried Ice Cream = Intestinal Badness.

You've been warned.


  1. "...Is everybody posting while they're supposed to be doing things at work?"

    Hahaha I'm PWNd this is so true! Well, I do it when I've no workload.

    Sadly, most bloggers I know of do not blog on Sundays. Those that do are of the Philippine politics base.

    But why not read a few videogame sites then?


    A nice blog i'm into by a developer who has been involved in gaming for a number of years. It's got a pretty large backlog of posts to sift through, and the main focus is about indie gaming or PC RPG's.

  3. Thanks for the suggestions, Kris and Anonymous (if that's even your real name...)

    I'll check 'em out. : )

  4. I don't post on weekends 99% of the time not because of me, but because of my readers. I know most of my readers check in on weekdays and if I post 7 days a week then the things I write on the weekend will just get pushed down before they see it anyway.

    The only exception usually is if I write a trip report or something then I'll post it right away and leave it alone for a day or so to get seen.


    I like this guy's blog a lot.
