Sunday, February 17, 2008

Konami and Kaneko

Games: Got paid today after what felt like forever, so the wife and I took a trip down to the local GameStop to have a look-see. Since joining up with GameFly, I usually don't buy a game until after I've already tried it, but it's hard to resist the instant gratification of walking into a store and having a new game in hand just a few minutes later.

Purchase 1: A used copy of Warhammer Squad Command for PSP. I haven't had anything to play on Sony's little machine for a while and I've heard fairly good things about this one -- any game referenced in the same sentence as X-Com gets the benefit of the doubt with me.

Purchase 2: Professor Layton and the Curious Village for DS. Although I just stated that I don't usually buy games until after I've tried them (and then, my purchases are usually limited to secondhand copies) I do buy some games right off the bat on principle alone. Off the top of my head, I ponied up the asking price for Culdcept Saga and before that, Mass Effect and Persona 3. These are games I absolutely want to support and I know the developers put out a quality product, so I'm fine with giving the green.

I went ahead and got Professor Layton new because it's from the good people at Level 5, and as far as I'm concerned they can really do no wrong. It's been a long time since I've been able to put complete faith into a developer, but Level 5 is coming very, very close. The last time I trusted a developer so implicitly was probably Konami back in the NES/SNES era when anything with the old orange and red logo meant it was going to give you your $50 worth.

Random: I have the best wife in the world. All you other married guys out there, you may have pretty good wives or even excellent wives, but there isn't a woman alive who can top mine. There are approximately 34,642 reasons why this is true, but today's reason is… Kazuma Kaneko.

I'm a huge fan of this artist, most commonly known for his work on the Persona series among other things. His clean designs and iconic style are unmistakable, and I've been wanting a collection of his art for some time. I think I mentioned in passing to the wife one day when we were browsing in an import bookshop, but that was months ago and it wasn't any big deal.
Today, what do I find sitting on my doorstep?

There you have it. My wife is the best.


  1. You are one lucky bastard, you!

    I've been curious about curious village too. Have you started playing it? I want to know if it's any good since I find the artwork (which is sort of Miyazaki-like) charming.

    And 3 more days before Apollo Justice! I can't wait to drop everything else I'm doing!

  2. I just got the Curious Village. Looks pretty sweet to me so far. I think you'll like it.
