Monday, February 9, 2009

The Kingfish Cafe - Photos

Food: A few days ago, I had some praise for local restaurant the Kingfish Café, but at the time I had forgotten to upload the photos we took over dinner. Since I'm tired and haven't yet met my nightly word count on the new book I'm working on, I will forego the usual blog entry in lieu of these delicious photos.
Seriously, if you're a Seattle resident and you've got a hankering for some Southern cooking, this place is fantastic. On 19th at the top of Capitol Hill… go check it out.

A fantastic trio of spreads (catfish, black-eyed pea, and one other I can't recall) served with grilled bread and some different types of crackers, this was a huge appetizer.

Hush puppies (my favorite!!!) served with a delish duo of dips.

Something funky happened with the camera here, but this is supposed to be a picture of breaded catfish, grits, and some greens. the greens were amazing (sweet, with a bitter edge) and the catfish was done just right... not too soft, not too greasy. the grits... well, I can live without grits.

The wife's dish was a gumbo packed with all sorts of good stuff. Chicken, shrimp, sausage, and that big orange thing on the left is a crab leg. That was some good eatin'!
We ordered a slice of coconut cake for dessert,and the thing was huge. unfortunately we forgot to snap a pic before we tore into it, but trust me... one slice is more than enough for two, maybe three people.
I've got nothing but good to say about the Kingfish. We will definitely be eating there again.

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