Friday, February 6, 2009

L4D, the Hulk, and Devil Survivor!

Games: The wife and I wrapped up our time with Valve’s Left 4 Dead this morning. We went through the game’s four “movie” scenarios in five or six hours, and then we spent some more time running through one scenario over and over in the hunt for a few more Achievements. (At her request. Can I just say: Best Wife EvAr)
I will admit that I ended up liking the game more than I thought I would, but this was solely due to the fact that I was playing it with the woman. The common rule of thumb that ‘co-op makes everything better’ holds true as it always does, and doubly so here.
The few times I attempted to play four-person games all ended in misery. No one I actually knew had the game or was playing it when I was, and the people I met through the random match-ups over Live were poster children for why anonymity + the Internet = assholes. I don't think I went 30 seconds without hearing one person say they raped another one, or having someone call someone else a fag of some sort. Needless to say, I didn't stick around.

my man Louis
It was definitely a fun rental and playing as disheveled office worker Louis never failed to amuse me (love the ripped pantleg and untucked shirt) but to be perfectly frank, I would have been pretty bent out of shape if I'd spent $60 for the four scenarios plus multi it comes with. I'm glad to hear that Valve has announced some DLC with a new mode and two new “movies” (or a reissue disc including the DLC for those who didn’t buy it the first time) but let's be honest here… as fun as the game may be, that initial release was a pretty bare-bones offering. For shame, Valve.
… and I still say that there should be at least a short story mode somewhere in there.
I've also been spending some time with The Incredible Hulk on 360, and it's just all right.

Grrrrrah! Hulk tired of puny fetchquests!!
The Hulk himself has a pretty cool-looking model and it's fun to bound around the city jumping hundreds of feet at a time, but the mission variety is pretty lacking and in general, things feel very empty. I'm a Hulk fan so I think I'm probably getting a little more enjoyment out of it than the average gamer would, but I think I've been playing for something in the neighborhood of three or four hours, and I'm ready for it to be over. Not exactly the most ringing endorsement, I admit.
One last thing while I'm talking about games… Atlus announced a DS spinoff of their Shin Megami Tensei titles: Devil Survivor.

Not much info at the moment, but do you really need any to get excited about something like this? I think not.


More to come.

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