Sunday, June 7, 2009

Baby, Bionic, Bookwriting

Family: If you've got kids, then you probably are very familiar with the kind of day I had today.
After a long week, I'd been looking forward to Saturday in order to take care of a few errands that I didn't have time for, on top of getting caught up with gaming and my side projects. However, for whatever reason, Whittaker was having a really rough day today.
Of course, all of those plans went out the window.
He's usually pretty mellow and will take naps in the morning, freeing me up to do whatever for a few hours, but he wasn't having it this time. I spent most of my time consoling him and trying to keep him happy, and the wife did the same. By the time he finally went down for the night, neither one of us had gotten even half the things we wanted done and it was a minor victory that we were able to get a hot meal on the table.
Being behind schedule: it's a way of life.
Games: Still absolutely loving Bionic Commando. I must be really close to the end, but I haven't quite polished it off. It's funny, but I keep waiting to hit these "rough patches" that I've seen other critics talk about, but they're just not appearing. It's just fun.

I really hope this game finds legs over the long haul because I'd love to see a sequel, or at least some DLC for it. Unfortunately, the way it looks right now, both of those things are little more than a pipe dream. Still, a man can hope.
I didn't intend to do review for it when I started, but I've had such a good time with it, I’d feel guilty if I didn't do one now. Look for it soon, and I'll post a link here.
Also, a little less than twenty-four hours until we record the E3 podcast. There's still time to get in requests, questions, or comments that you’d like to hear us cover on the ‘cast. Drop me a line!
Writing: Work on the new book got off to a stuttering start after we brought Whittaker home from the hospital, but things ground to a halt again when my co-author and I decided that we should fine-tune the events at the end of the story. With any luck, we'll have all the details nailed down in the next day or so, and work will resume.

At this point, we're already past the halfway mark and we've only been writing since December. Considering that my first book took around four years to complete (of course, that's including a couple of major life catastrophes and recoveries) I've got to say that the second one has been a lot quicker, and a hell of a lot less painful.

1 comment:

  1. I just finished Bionic Commando, and I have to say I found the entire experience pretty satisfying. I even didn't think the story was as meaningless or random as the reviews made out. I mean, it is silly--no doubt about it--but come on: it's a sequel to a game where Hitler comes back to life and you blow him up with a rocket launcher.

    Anyway, when you do finish it check out my thoughts on the ending. I'd be interested to know if you feel the same way.
