Tuesday, June 9, 2009

BC, KitN, PSN, Seaman, Freddie Mercury, and Scripts

Food: Fried chicken tacos and cream cake do not belong in the human stomach at the same time.
Games: Have I mentioned yet that I love GRIN’s Bionic Commando? Love. It.
If you haven't given it a spin yet, don't be scared off by the overly-negative reviews and see what it's got to offer. Despite finishing it a few days ago, I still can't get it out of my head. And the ending? Although it's been categorized as completely random and nonsensical, I didn't find that to be true at all… I'm not going to spoil it, but I thought it was pretty amazing for a few reasons.

Bad. Ass.
Love! Bionic! Commando!
Got a copy of Atlus’ Knights in the Nightmare today. The common theme going around is that the game has an incredibly steep learning curve, allegedly taking more than an hour to just get the game basics down.

That definitely sounds a little heavy, but the game was crafted by Sting, and I've loved everything else they've done. Hour-long tutorials be damned, I am more than willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Impressions to come.
More and more stories are leaking out about how Molyneux’s Milo presentation at the Microsoft E3 press briefing was not nearly as legit as they wanted us to think it was. Honestly, considering Molyneux himself and the attempts to show Milo has some sort of revolutionary AI conversation construct, I'm not surprised.
Although what was on display may not have been on the up and up, I'm still fascinated by this sort of development. I actualy have very fond memories of Seaman on the Dreamcast, and Milo seems like nothing if not Seaman minus the aquatic element.

Sparkling conversationalist.
I realize that recommending someone go out and find a copy of Seaman and a Dreamcast to play on is a pretty tall order, but if you ever get the chance, definitely try it. It was an extremely clever piece of software, and some of the “conversations” I had with it were fairly unforgettable. That game-that-wasn’t-a-game was way, way, way ahead of its time.
Played Trash Panic and Rag Doll Kung Fu on PSN today. Both were extremely disappointing wastes of time.
Rag Doll was a loose multiplayer mess, and although I thought Trash Panic has good ideas and an appealing aesthetic, the gameplay just isn't there. Dropping bits of trash into a can which sometimes seem to display physics properties and sometimes don't isn't quite as intuitive and fun as Tetris, not to mention the stack-reducing mechanics (fire, decomposition, etc) are not at all reliable. The best puzzle games are built on reliability. This one's got the concept, but no starch to back it up.
Oh, and in case you missed it, here's a link to my inFAMOUS review.
Music: I’ve been a Queen fan for many, many years, although I'm a bit embarrassed to say that I've only owned one album all this time. Deciding to rectify the problem, the wife and I picked up one of their greatest hits CDs a couple days ago, and it’s been in constant rotation ever since. My current obsession: Don’t Stop Me Now.
The sound quality’s a little sketchy, but check it out and see if you get as pumped as I do.

Listening to it, all I can think is that Freddie Mercury was taken way, way too soon.
Writing: Met with a fellow writing friend over coffee today. He's got an inside line to someone looking to pick up a quick horror script, and I just so happen to have plenty of horror ideas. We bashed out about five quickie proposals in an hour or so, and hopefully this will lead somewhere. If not, at the very least I've made a few more connections with other authors here in Seattle.
That's never a bad thing.


  1. I love Don't Stop Me Now!
    Not sure if you got it in the US, but have a look for Shaun of the Dead, British film that's one of my favourite. Not too sure how well it'd translate culturally, but it has some great use of Don't Stop Me Now :)

    Good luck with the horror script!

  2. I also just got a copy of Knights in the Nightmare. Might drop an impression or so once I spent an hour with it.

    Are we going for round 2 of "who finishes an Atlus game the earliest"? I won the first round with Persona 4, in case you've forgotten. :D

  3. Jen> Have seen Shaun of the Dead and loved it. I had totally forgotten about that scene in the bar, though. Oh, excuse me..Pub. ; ) good call.

    ND> Let me know what you think of it. I meant to start yesterday, but I got sidetracked. I will be starting it tonight, in just a few minutes. Also, it's not much of a contest to see who will finish first… I'm so split between projects right now, I'm sure you would take the crown handily. ; P
