Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Hell of a Week -- Some Quickies

Been a busy week here at the homestead… missed a couple deadlines, missed my regular blog update, haven't met my fiction word count, and I'm a couple days behind on e-mail. Back when I was a kid, I really couldn't understand it when grown-ups said that there weren't enough hours in the day, but I'm living that phrase constantly now.
Just some random bits here before bedtime:

> My Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor (DS) review will hopefully be posted sometime this week. I had meant to get it done today, but, well…

> Look for a Steambot Chronicles Battle Tournament review (PSP) very soon as well. Hopefully this week also, but no promises…

> If ANYONE knows how to beat the gorilla (jungle boss) in WiiWare's recent Cocoto Platform Jumper, for God's sake, please let me know how. This is completely humiliating, but I have to admit that I have no idea how to even damage the damn thing, and my son is losing faith in his dad's game powers.

> Downloaded Point Lookout for Fallout 3 yesterday and I've been pushing through it slowly, but so far (completed two quests, have at least two more to go) I'm absolutely loving it, and I feel pretty comfortable in saying that at this point it is by far the best DLC that’s available for everyone’s favorite post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland.
The quests are very interesting, the coastal landscape has a very specific feeling all its own, and it has the same sort of ‘go anywhere, explore everything’ feeling that I love so much about the main game. For those of you who are afraid to be early adopters, I can say that it chugs a little in spots, but it’s been bug and glitch-free the entire time, in contrast to the last few releases. I still have more to see, but at this point I'm pretty ecstatic. If you are a Fallout fan, this is strongly Recommended.

> Just about done watching True Blood, Season 1 on DVD and I have to admit that I really don't get why it seems so popular. Is it just a current wave of vampire mania? I don't care for much of the cast, the writing doesn't seem especially clever, it's a little ridiculous how there has has to be at least one sex scene in every episode regardless of whether it makes sense or not, and if I was actually from the south I'd be completely offended by the way the show portrays everyone in the town of Bon Temps as dysfunctional, substance-abusing, loose. and ridiculously ignorant.
Maybe my opinion will change by the time we get to the end (doubt it) but at this point I'm giving the books the nod over the TV show by a large margin.


  1. Looking forward to your PSP and DS reviews. Summer heat always pushes me towards handheld gaming so i am looking for new games.

  2. I gave up on True blood after episode three. I haven't read the books, glad to hear they are better than the TV series.

  3. I watched the entire True Blood series out of sheer stubbornness, but I can't say that I enjoyed it.

    At all.

    However, I would definitely recommend at least the first three Charlaine Harris books, no doubt. If you read them, let me know what you thought of them.

  4. About Cocoto...

    I would like to help your son to regain faith in you...

    Just stay above the gorilla and use the lava stuff... the thing will fall on gorillas head and BOOM...

    PS: Yes, I was looking for the answer too and found your blog... meanwhile, my wife dit it!
