Thursday, June 25, 2009

Flash Update: I'm a Contest Finalist!

Writing: Got some great news today – The Pacific Northwest Writer’s Association called to let me know that my first book, Speaking in Forked Tongues, was a Sci-Fi/Fantasy-category finalist in their 2009 Literary Contest.
Winners will be announced at the summer conference at the end of July. Finalists like my book will be critiqued, and people taking the top prize in each category will receive some cash as well as face time with editors and agents.
The person who informed me that I was in the running said that this year's SF/F category had some fierce competition, so my fingers are crossed and I'm hoping for the best… although even if I don't win, it's pretty exciting just to have the book be a finalist at all-- just having that little bit of validation is a great encouragement, and now that I know I have a reason to go, I'll be attending the conference this summer after all.
It's certainly too early to celebrate anything right now, but I did allow myself a little “woo!
…Now, back to the grindstone so I can get caught up with all of the deadlines I'm behind on.


  1. That is so cool, best of luck!

  2. Good luck!

    (btw the link does not work)

  3. Thanks guys!

    (oh, and the link is fixed. Oops!)


  4. Great Job, and good luck!

  5. Congratulations!

    I saw the news last night on the PNWA page and felt bummed for myself, but very happy for you.

    Check out Ginger Clark, if you have not already. She represents urban fantasy and has a good history of getting multi-book deals. You should get an appointment to meet with her at the conference.

    I'm moving to Minneapolis in a couple of weeks, but I should still be attending the conference, unless plans change.

    I'd say you have cause to celebrate. Woop it up : )
