Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pride and Point Lookout

Family: The in-laws are still here from Russia, so since today was such a nice day (by anyone's standards, not just Seattle’s) the menfolk decided to accompany the ladies up to Capitol Hill.
The women were getting their hair done, so to kill time, we were going to go to a nearby park after grabbing a cup of coffee and then all go have lunch together afterwards. It was a good plan, except for the fact that none of us realized that this was Pride weekend, and Capitol Hill is GLBTQ Central for the greater Seattle area.

We got there fairly early in the day, but it was still unusually crowded. That should have been our first hint that a change of plans would be in order. The topless butch lesbians playing croquet and twister (!!!) in the park should have been our second hint -- not that any of us has anything against GLBTQ folks or Pride, we just wanted a parking spot and the chance to walk down the sidewalk to get some good Vietnamese.
After the women were done getting beautiful, we were only able to get about a quarter of the way to our destination before the streets were either blocked off or just too crowded to navigate with two in-laws, an excited seven-year-old and a baby in a stroller… rather than pushing through it, we ended up wishing the Priders well and had Thai on the other side of the city instead.
Games: I just completed the vast majority of things to do in Fallout 3’s new DLC, Point Lookout.
Although I have a certain affinity for Operation Anchorage just because it's such a break from the Fallout norm, it's no secret that the first three add-ons from Bethesda have been less than impressive. However, all that changed with Lookout.

Nutshell: It's huge, it's deep, and it feels a hell of a lot like the main game -- and this is certainly a good thing. It's not quite the ‘Survival Horror’ experience that some were painting it as, but there are certainly Horror elements and the expansion has its own unique flavor thanks to the murky swamps and deranged hillbillies, not to mention the scenic rocky coast and lonely Ferris Wheel rising above the rotting boardwalk.
I got about eight hours out of my $10 purchase, and I could have put in at least another two hours, if not more. If you're looking for some advice whether or not to spring for this latest DLC, I feel totally comfortable in saying that Point Lookout is an absolute winner. Recommended.
BTW, the review is in the can, look for it at GameCritics soon.

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