The Guiltiest Pleasure...
TV: So, I don't talk about this very much, but one of my guiltiest pleasures is watching American Idol. I'm really not much of a music-head, but there's just something so incredibly addicting about the show… I think a big part of it is that in comparison to a lot of these so-called “reality”programs, the contestants on Idol compete and succeed (usually) on the strengths of their own performance.
I can't stand watching other similar shows that focus on the catfights, backstabbing, and petty behavior… those programs always seem to bring out the worst in people, and while I really don't think that the contestants on Idol are necessarily better, at least that stuff is swept aside in favor of the cheesy group performances and the people up on stage doing their thing.
In a rare turn of events, I actually got to see an episode on the same night that it was broadcast-- a rare treat in my house where we usually play catch-up three days later via DVR.
Anyway, tonight was the night that they announced the contestants who will be taking part in the ‘Wild Card’ show. For those who aren't familiar with the structure this year, there were already nine finalists selected. However, the show moves forward with twelve contestants, so the remaining three will be chosen from a group of people who didn't make the first cut.
The wife and I had our eyes on a few people we felt deserved a second chance, but I've got to say, we disagreed with every person the judges selected with the sole exception of one: Anoop Desai.
That Indian brother’s got some soul and earned his spot for sure, but besides him…wow. Just… wow.
I mean, Von Smith? He’s like a male Judy Garland fanboy with the volume turned up to 11. Ricky Braddy? Can anyone even remember what he sang? And god, the worst pick by far was Tatiana Del Toro. She's a complete psychopath attention whore… the only possible reason I can think she was picked was not because she's a great singer or expected to do well in the competition, but because she adds so much drama to the proceedings.
Hang on folks, it's going to be an interesting season…
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